Friday, May 16, 2008

Grammar: tag questions (answers)

  1. The weather is beautiful today, isn't it?
  2. You broke the window, didn't you?
  3. It isn't safe to walk in this neighbourhood, is it?
  4. She hasn't learned very much, has she?
  5. This window looks pretty dirty, doesn't it?
  6. Let's order a pizza, shall we?
  7. Those kids are really growing up, aren't they?
  8. I don't know what I'm talking about, do I?
  9. Sit down, won't you?
  10. There must be a mistake, mustn't there?
  11. You have to go home early today, don't you?
  12. The dog needs food, doesn't it?
  13. I am in your class, am I not or aren't I?
  14. I should listen to you, shouldn't I?
  15. This exercise wasn't very difficult, was it?

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